Accounting Services
Exclusively for Nonprofits

We champion your mission through exceptional service and meaningful results.

How can Jitasa help your nonprofit?

Clipboard and calculator icon.

Bookkeeping & Accounting

We only serve nonprofits, so you can focus on what matters most: your mission and programs.

Bookkeeping & Accounting Services
Hand holding reports icon.

Controller Services

Jitasa's Nonprofit Controller Services ensure your financial world keeps turning with precision and confidence.

Controller Services
Taxes in envelope icon.

Nonprofit Tax

Since 2008, Jitasa's tax specialists have completed thousands of tax filings for nonprofits of all shapes and sizes.

Nonprofit Tax Services
Chat bubbles icon.

CFO Services

Our dedicated Advisory Team is ready to help work through your toughest problems.

CFO Services

The Spirit of Jitasa

Our name, Jitasa (ji-tah-suh), means “The Spirit of Serving Others.” We exist to serve the nonprofits who make the world a better place.

About Jitasa
Jitasa Flames

Our Clients

View a sample of our clients below, and click on their logo to discover how they're impacting our world.

Scouting America Logo
Create Common Good Logo
Elephant Action League Logo
Emergency USA Logo
Grace Presbyterian Church of Silicon Valley Logo
Hillel International Logo
Mission Capital Logo
New York Appleseed Logo
Urban Green Logo
Veritas Forum Logo

Quote icon The level of communication and collaboration with Jitasa was outstanding. Jitasa spoke in non-accounting or business language that was easy for CMSF to understand, despite the complexity of revenue recognition required for many of their programs. CMSF highly recommends Jitasa’s services to other non-profit organizations, as they are a best-in-class organization that has earned the highest level of respect and trust.

Danielle Brown Director of Finance & Operations
California Marine Sanctuary Foundation
Client Success Stories